Assistant professor and director of programs in gifted education,
School of Education at Maryville University of St. Louis:The gifted education graduate program
The Maryville Summer Science and Robotics Program
The Maryville Young Scholars Program
Recent publications: My new book, Serving Visual-Spatial Learners, is available now from Prufrock Press and Amazon. Find recent chapters in The Creative Imperative and the forthcoming A Critique of Creativity and Complexity. See my vita for a complete list of my publications.Consulting, Evaluations, and Professional Development: Coxon Educational Consulting, LLC specializes in helping with unique school programs including STEM initiatives, summer programs, robotics programs, gifted education, and grant projects. Please email me at with inquiries.
Educational research: I study the development of spatial ability, creativity, and other talents needed for future STEM success in children pK-8th grade.
pK-12 Teaching: Before moving into higher education, my decade of public school service included elementary, middle, and high school; reading intervention and special education; urban, rural, and suburban experiences; gifted evaluation committee service and summer classes for gifted students ranging from ages 5 to 16; and five years as a FIRST LEGO League coach. I continue to spend a large amount of my time in schools through my grant and consulting projects.
Contact me at
Follow me on Twitter @GiftedEdStLouis
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