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Coxon Educational Consulting, LLC. - Steve Coxon

Coxon Educational Consulting, LLC.

Coxon Educational Consulting, LLC can help your school, school district, or other educational organization in several key ways that provide value, especially for students. Please contact me for a free consultation on any of the following:

Professional Development

Professional development is not successful by accident: It requires careful planning and implementation. I specialize in gifted education and differentiation, developing creativity, spatial talent development, project- and problem-based learning, the William and Mary Center for Gifted Education curriculum, and STEM/STEAM education including robotics. Contact me about high-quality professional development for your school that teachers can use to improve their classrooms immediately.


I specialize in gifted education and differentiation, developing creativity, spatial talent development, project- and problem-based learning, the William and Mary Center for Gifted Education curriculum, and STEM/STEAM education including robotics. I can help improve your gifted education services, summer camps, grant projects, and other unique educational opportunities. Contact me to find out how I can help your school or program.


I can conduct thorough, scientifically valid evaluations of your program or grant that can help your project’s credibility. I can help you write winning grants by working with you on the evaluation section before you submit.