
Stargirl is a teenager in high school. She is in the last year of high school and is in love with Leo, and is avoided by everyone expect Leo and Dori Dilson.

Stargirl requests the "Bunny Hop" at the school dance.I think this is because she knew she would be moving away and that was her way of  saying " good by" to everyone. This would be a good discription of what she wore to the school dance, a beautiful yellow dress with shoes and a crosage(braclett with a flower on it).

    A  normal outfit for Stargirl would be a floor length rainbow skirt, a shirt, tennis shoes, and a sunflower canvas bag. Stargirl th
ought being herself included only thinking of others, showing up uninvited to funerals and giving sympathy, and giving back scratches if you talk to her. This is the typical attitude of Stargirl. She cheers for both teams at basketball games. Once at a game a player from the other team got hurt and she ran down to his aid. This is an example of why she was avoided.

    Stargirl's real name is Susan. In the book stargirl says " I pick a name and when I get tired of the name I change it." Leo tells Stargirl that she needs to be normal like everyone else in Mica High School. So the next day Stargirl is wearing make-up,a white shirt,jeans, and high heels. Insted of shoping for  floor length skirts and shirts, she looks for labeled clothing. She called herself her real name Susan.

    Susan  enters in the speech contest and wins. She thinks that when she gets back to the school there will be a crowd of people there. When the vehical gets to Mica the only people there are her parents and Dori Dilson who made a sign and was sitting behind the sign, crying because stargirl was not Stargirl. Susan also thinks that  the crowd would  break the trophy.

    When Stargirl first arrives at Mica High School everybody stares at her and say,Who is she? In their heads. They also stare at her when she first sits  down at her desk and sets a table
cloth and flowers on her desk.
